GrowthZone REST API API Reference


API Endpoint
Request Content-Types: application/json
Response Content-Types: application/json
Schemes: https
Version: v1.0


POST /api/category/{categoryitemid}

categoryitemid: string
in path

(no description)

Request Example
  "CategoryItemId": "integer",
  "CategoryTypeId": "string",
  "AuditId": "integer",
  "CategoryListId": "string",
  "CategoryListIsSystem": "boolean",
  "Name": "string",
  "Description": "string",
  "CssColor": "string",
  "ParentCategoryId": "string",
  "CategoryItemImage": "string"
Response Example (200 OK)
  "CategoryItemId": "integer",
  "AuditId": "integer",
  "CategoryListId": "integer",
  "CategoryListIsSystem": "boolean",
  "Name": "string",
  "Parent": "string",
  "Description": "string",
  "Usages": "integer",
  "Actions": "string"

DELETE /api/category/{categoryitemid}/{auditid}

categoryitemid: integer
in path

(no description)

auditid: integer
in path

(no description)

200 OK


GET /api/category/{categoryitemid}/{categorylistid}/{categorytypeid}

categoryitemid: integer
in path

(no description)

categorylistid: string
in path

(no description)

categorytypeid: string
in path

(no description)

Response Example (200 OK)
  "CategoryItemId": "integer",
  "CategoryTypeId": "string",
  "AuditId": "integer",
  "CategoryListId": "string",
  "CategoryListIsSystem": "boolean",
  "Name": "string",
  "Description": "string",
  "CssColor": "string",
  "ParentCategoryId": "string",
  "CategoryItemImage": "string"

GET /api/category/benefititems/lookup

Response Example (200 OK)
    "Id": "integer",
    "Name": "string",
    "ExtraData": "string",
    "CssColor": "string",
    "IsSelected": "boolean",
    "IsDeleted": "boolean",
    "Order": "integer"

POST /api/category/categories/add


Request Example
  "CategoryListId": "integer",
  "CategoryTypeId": "string",
  "Names": "string",
  "ParentCategoryId": "string"
200 OK


POST /api/category/categories/reassign

Request Example
  "CategoryTypeId": "string",
  "CategoryListId": "string",
  "CurrentCategoryItemId": "string",
  "NewCategoryListId": "string",
  "NewCategoryItemId": "string",
  "ShowEmptyLists": "boolean"
200 OK


GET /api/category/contact/{categoryitemid}

categoryitemid: integer
in path

(no description)

Response Example (200 OK)
  "CategoryItemId": "integer",
  "CategoryTypeId": "string",
  "AuditId": "integer",
  "CategoryListId": "string",
  "CategoryListIsSystem": "boolean",
  "Name": "string",
  "Description": "string",
  "CssColor": "string",
  "ParentCategoryId": "string",
  "CategoryItemImage": "string"

POST /api/category/contact/{categoryitemid}

categoryitemid: string
in path

(no description)

Request Example
  "CategoryItemId": "integer",
  "CategoryTypeId": "string",
  "AuditId": "integer",
  "CategoryListId": "string",
  "CategoryListIsSystem": "boolean",
  "Name": "string",
  "Description": "string",
  "CssColor": "string",
  "ParentCategoryId": "string",
  "CategoryItemImage": "string"
Response Example (200 OK)
  "IsSelected": "boolean",
  "PreviouslySelected": "boolean",
  "Id": "integer",
  "Name": "string",
  "CategoryItemId": "integer",
  "CategoryListId": "integer",
  "ContactCategoryId": "string",
  "DisplayOrder": "string",
  "Type": "string",
  "Parent": "string"

Returns a list of category items for a given Category List ID.

GET /api/category/items/{categorylistid}

Returns a list of category items for a given Category List ID.

categorylistid: integer
in path

The ID of the category list to return the items for.

options: string
in query

(no description)

The list of category items for the category list id.

404 Not Found

The category list ID did not exist.

Response Example (200 OK)
  "CategoryListId": "integer",
  "AuditId": "integer",
  "EntityName": "string",
  "Name": "string",
  "Description": "string",
  "Parent": "string",
  "Usages": "integer",
  "CategoryTypeId": "string",
  "ListViewItems": "string"

POST /api/category/items/{categorylistid}

categorylistid: integer
in path

(no description)

Request Example
Response Example (200 OK)
    "CategoryItemId": "integer",
    "AuditId": "integer",
    "CategoryListId": "integer",
    "CategoryListIsSystem": "boolean",
    "Name": "string",
    "Parent": "string",
    "Description": "string",
    "Usages": "integer",
    "Actions": "string"

GET /api/category/lookup/{categorylistid}

categorylistid: string
in path

(no description)

Response Example (200 OK)
    "Id": "integer",
    "Name": "string",
    "ExtraData": "string",
    "CssColor": "string",
    "IsSelected": "boolean",
    "IsDeleted": "boolean",
    "Order": "integer"

GET /api/category/lookup/{categorytype}

categorytype: string
in path

(no description)

Response Example (200 OK)
    "Id": "integer",
    "Name": "string",
    "ExtraData": "string",
    "CssColor": "string",
    "IsSelected": "boolean",
    "IsDeleted": "boolean",
    "Order": "integer"

GET /api/category/lookup/allcontacts

Response Example (200 OK)
    "Id": "integer",
    "Name": "string",
    "ExtraData": "string",
    "CssColor": "string",
    "IsSelected": "boolean",
    "IsDeleted": "boolean",
    "Order": "integer"

GET /api/category/lookup/categorylist/{categorylistid}/{categoryitemid}

This is used by the flatfile contact import as well

categorylistid: string
in path

(no description)

categoryitemid: string
in path

(no description)

Response Example (200 OK)
    "Id": "integer",
    "Name": "string",
    "ExtraData": "string",
    "CssColor": "string",
    "IsSelected": "boolean",
    "IsDeleted": "boolean",
    "Order": "integer"

GET /api/category/lookup/reassigncategoryitem/{newcategorylistid}/{currentcategoryitemid}

newcategorylistid: string
in path

(no description)

currentcategoryitemid: string
in path

(no description)

Response Example (200 OK)
    "Id": "integer",
    "Name": "string",
    "ExtraData": "string",
    "CssColor": "string",
    "IsSelected": "boolean",
    "IsDeleted": "boolean",
    "Order": "integer"

GET /api/category/lookup/resources

Response Example (200 OK)
    "Id": "integer",
    "Name": "string",
    "ExtraData": "string",
    "CssColor": "string",
    "IsSelected": "boolean",
    "IsDeleted": "boolean",
    "Order": "integer"

GET /api/category/lookup/resources/results

Response Example (200 OK)
    "Id": "integer",
    "Name": "string",
    "ExtraData": "string",
    "CssColor": "string",
    "IsSelected": "boolean",
    "IsDeleted": "boolean",
    "Order": "integer"

GET /api/category/lookup/storecategoryitems

Response Example (200 OK)
    "Id": "integer",
    "Name": "string",
    "ExtraData": "string",
    "CssColor": "string",
    "IsSelected": "boolean",
    "IsDeleted": "boolean",
    "Order": "integer"

GET /api/category/lookupmembershipcategories

Response Example (200 OK)
    "Id": "integer",
    "Name": "string",
    "ExtraData": "string",
    "CssColor": "string",
    "IsSelected": "boolean",
    "IsDeleted": "boolean",
    "Order": "integer"

Schema Definitions

CategoryListDetailsModel: object

CategoryListId: integer
AuditId: integer
EntityName: string
Name: string
Description: string
Parent: string
Usages: integer
CategoryTypeId: string
ListViewItems: string

The list of category items that are being returned.

  "CategoryListId": "integer",
  "AuditId": "integer",
  "EntityName": "string",
  "Name": "string",
  "Description": "string",
  "Parent": "string",
  "Usages": "integer",
  "CategoryTypeId": "string",
  "ListViewItems": "string"

CategoryItemCollectionItemModel: object

CategoryItemId: integer
AuditId: integer
CategoryListId: integer
CategoryListIsSystem: boolean
Name: string

The name of the category item.

Parent: string
Description: string

The description for the category item.

Usages: integer

This means how many times this CategoryItem is referenced in the system

Actions: string
  "CategoryItemId": "integer",
  "AuditId": "integer",
  "CategoryListId": "integer",
  "CategoryListIsSystem": "boolean",
  "Name": "string",
  "Parent": "string",
  "Description": "string",
  "Usages": "integer",
  "Actions": "string"

ODataQueryOptions<CategoryListDetailsModel>: object


CategoryItemAddEditModel: object

CategoryItemId: integer
CategoryTypeId: string
AuditId: integer
CategoryListId: string
CategoryListIsSystem: boolean
Name: string
Description: string
CssColor: string
ParentCategoryId: string
CategoryItemImage: string
  "CategoryItemId": "integer",
  "CategoryTypeId": "string",
  "AuditId": "integer",
  "CategoryListId": "string",
  "CategoryListIsSystem": "boolean",
  "Name": "string",
  "Description": "string",
  "CssColor": "string",
  "ParentCategoryId": "string",
  "CategoryItemImage": "string"

CategoryReassignModel: object

CategoryTypeId: string
CategoryListId: string
CurrentCategoryItemId: string
NewCategoryListId: string
NewCategoryItemId: string
ShowEmptyLists: boolean
  "CategoryTypeId": "string",
  "CategoryListId": "string",
  "CurrentCategoryItemId": "string",
  "NewCategoryListId": "string",
  "NewCategoryItemId": "string",
  "ShowEmptyLists": "boolean"

Boolean: object


CategoriesAddModel: object

CategoryListId: integer
CategoryTypeId: string
Names: string
ParentCategoryId: string
  "CategoryListId": "integer",
  "CategoryTypeId": "string",
  "Names": "string",
  "ParentCategoryId": "string"

Object: object


LookupCategoryItemAddEditModel: object

CategoryItemId: integer
CategoryTypeId: string
AuditId: integer
CategoryListId: string
CategoryListIsSystem: boolean
Name: string
Description: string
CssColor: string
ParentCategoryId: string
CategoryItemImage: string
  "CategoryItemId": "integer",
  "CategoryTypeId": "string",
  "AuditId": "integer",
  "CategoryListId": "string",
  "CategoryListIsSystem": "boolean",
  "Name": "string",
  "Description": "string",
  "CssColor": "string",
  "ParentCategoryId": "string",
  "CategoryItemImage": "string"

CategoryItemChoiceModel: object

IsSelected: boolean
PreviouslySelected: boolean
Id: integer
Name: string
CategoryItemId: integer
CategoryListId: integer
ContactCategoryId: string
DisplayOrder: string
Type: string
Parent: string
  "IsSelected": "boolean",
  "PreviouslySelected": "boolean",
  "Id": "integer",
  "Name": "string",
  "CategoryItemId": "integer",
  "CategoryListId": "integer",
  "ContactCategoryId": "string",
  "DisplayOrder": "string",
  "Type": "string",
  "Parent": "string"

GenericLookUpChoice<Int32>: object

Id: integer
Name: string
ExtraData: string
CssColor: string
IsSelected: boolean
IsDeleted: boolean
Order: integer
  "Id": "integer",
  "Name": "string",
  "ExtraData": "string",
  "CssColor": "string",
  "IsSelected": "boolean",
  "IsDeleted": "boolean",
  "Order": "integer"